Some of the other staffords that I have loved over the years, and a couple of my other pets as well
This is "Dallas" Maxnjay Sambuca who was rescued from living a life in a concrete jungle to sharing her life with
Emily and Damian and also taking part in some photo shoots.

Oggie was a fun dog to show winning over 300 challenge points, he is now retired and living the quiet life at home.
Champion Arlian Pure Steel |
Oggie my brindle mate |
Podge was great to show and won Baby Puppy in Show at S.B.T.C. of Victoria, and was reserve challenge at Melbourne Royal 1996
* My darling Podge passed away on January 5th 2007* till we meet again my sweet girl. I love you.
Champion Maxnjay Bourbon and Ice |
Born 1/10/1994 |
Champion Bridgstaff Big Boofer |
My first stafford |